martes, 24 de noviembre de 2015

Dante 's Divine Comedy Hell Alighieri- and 9 circles

In the Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri (who called simply Commedia, it could not be a tragedy, as its ending is happy) the descent into hell author narrates, which comes surpassing the river Acheron Charon's boat to Beatriz search.

In the real Hell, described as an inverted pyramid that is separated into 9 circles, is accompanied by the poet Virgil, author of the Aeneid. We descend into hell until the ninth circle:

First circle: In Limbo are people who were not baptized, prominent among them figures of historical connotation that according to the Catholic faith without knowing die; This space consists of a castle surrounded by seven walls called the Mansion of the Righteous.

The castle represents wisdom and the arts 7 walls within the Trivium (grammar, rhetoric and logic) and the Quadrivium (arithmetic, astronomy, geometry and music). Aristotle, Socrates, Plato, Virgil himself, Averroes, Zeno ... are some of those who inhabit the first circle.

Second circle: Wandering through space are lusty and love people who sin by using it for their own good. Minos judges souls and immersed in a large incessant turmoil that overwhelms in absolute solitude. Semiramis, Cleopatra, Achilles, Paris, Tristan ... dwell in this circle.

Third circle: In a place where sleet and freezing rain do not stop, stuck in the mud, are gluttons, the proud and envious, beaten to the ground by the storm and serving of food to Cerberus. Dante meets Ciacco, punished in this circle and talk about the struggle for power in Florence.
Fourth circle: In this prodigal and avaricious circle (including clergy, popes and cardinals), which guarded by Pluto king of wealth in a fair fight as weapons using large pieces of gold symbolizing the amount of worldly goods that accumulated or spent on life.
Fifth Circle: This circle is the last in which sinners punished for their incontinence are, here are angry and lazy; the first immersed in the mire of his own rage and second submerged in the swamp of Styx. Here it is punished as irate Filippo Argenti.
Sixth circle: Within the walls of the city of Dis, guarded by the three Furies or Erinyes (Megera, Alecto and Tisífone, goddesses of revenge), dwell heretics, tucked into tombs of fire. Farinata foretells Dante exile and misfortunes. Here they are punished: Farinata degli Uberti, Cavalcante de 'Cavalcanti, Federico II, Ottaviano degli Ubaldini, Pope Anastasius II.

Seventh circle: the seventh circle, guarded by the Minotaur, adhere Having passed the remains of a crack caused by the earthquake that moved the earth when Christ died. The Wretched of the last three circles are guilty of malice Since their actions. Here son punished in three turns violent:
First rotation: The violent against others, ie, murderers and criminals, tyrants, rapists and robbers. You provide a bathroom immersed in guilt Flegetonte river of boiling blood that symbolizes the blood shed in life. Here it is punished Attila Among Others.
Second turn: the same violent SI contraindications suicide, Transformed into Trees by wanting to give an SU human nature and spenders, which destroyed and tore his life Substance starving child torn by dogs.
Third rotation: Violent against God, nature and art: stationary blasphemous Under relentless rain of fire, the Sodomites and lenders.
Eighth circle guarded by Gerión, sinners who used maliciously punished, but this time in a fraudulent manner against which no child trust fraudulent. THIS ditches Ten Composite:
First pit: In the first pit the ruffians are punished and seductive, it is, those who seduced on behalf of others and their own.
Second pit: The flatterers Found in Human, worthy droppings contrapàs by the obscenity of moral sin.
Third pit: Where simoniacs punished child.
Fourth grave: In the fourth pit of the mediums and wizards, who walk with the distorted face backwards, in contrast to the grounds to see the future is punished.
Fifth pit: The fifth bolgia esta composed of a lake of boiling pitch in which it is immersed son embezzlers, those who took illegal profits of their public cargoes.
Sixth grave: In the sixth hole son punished hypocrites who agree to wear heavy clothing lead, gold outside.
Seventh pit: child punished thieves and snakes under with his hands tied by snakes, symbols of evil, Making reference to Genesis.
Trench Eighth: It punishes the fraudulent directors, walking Locked in flames.
Ninth pit: Scandalous, schismatics and heretics are mutilated by the devil to reopen as soon as their wounds are closed.
Tenth pit: Last Ditch the eighth circle Things counterfeiters, characters, money, or words punished. They are suffering from horrible diseases That they deform, such as leprosy.

Ninth Circle: For traitors, this time against the trust. Before reaching it, there is a well surrounded by giants, brutal and inert masses which are buried in the earth, mistaken towers. Within it there is a well in four different areas oppressed by thick ice, on it the builder of the Tower of Babel which prevented the world speak the same language is. In the center of the Earth, including ice enveloping shadows, this Lucifer half out of the glacial surface, chewing Judas as plastic toy.
First area: La Caina, after Cain killed his brother Abel first, in fact, here are the traitors punished family, immersed in ice until the head with his face down.
Second area: Antenora, named after the Trojan Antenor who betrayed his city: here they are in fact traitors and party plunged into the ice face up.
Third zone: Tolomea named after the Egyptian king Ptolemy who betrayed guests Sextus Pompey. The traitors of the guests, immersed in the ice with her head thrown back, to freeze the tears in the eyes, avoiding unleash it in tears.
Fourth area: Giudecca, called Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Jesus, benefactor of mankind. Here the traitors of the benefactors, fully immersed in the ice are, but in different positions.

It is interesting that within Western culture has always had a vision of hell full of flames, while for Dante ice cave and darkness is the home of Lucifer.

-Guerrero García Gustavo

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